Kiesha Yokers

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10 Tips for a Smooth Start to the New School Year

No matter if your children have gone back to school are home-schooled or some hybrid of both, we all find ourselves in new territory that is both uneasy and unfamiliar.I want to share some of my best tips from the classroom to help you create a soothing space where you and your children can start the year well.Disclaimer: If you are a type-A person {like me}, do not look at this list as hard and fast rules but as suggestions, and while we are at it, take a deep breath and know that the most we can relax, the better our homes will feel. Most parents are not teachers, but they love their children and are doing their best. YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST!

  1. Diffuse essential oils in your "classroom." Scents can be soothing, activating, and invigorating. Try any citrus oil for an oil that will keep you alert and focused.
  2. Classical music during work time. We play the local classical station just loud enough to create a very calm atmosphere but won't put you to sleep. This has been my magic trick as a teacher. Thirty kids in a class and a little classical music will create a response of focus.
  3. If you haven't done it now, take the time to create an organized work station. Grab some tubs from the dollar store and designate them for subjects, work to be turned in, w
  4. Prep each night for the next day. Make this a part of your child's nightly bedtime routine. They should have ownership over their "classroom."
  5. Start your Zoom {or another learning platform} a few minutes early to not be late to class. Yes, it is possible to be late for school even when it is in YOUR OWN HOUSE {so I guess I am a late person}.
  6. Eat a nutrient-dense breakfast and set expectations around lunch and snack. I pack lunch and snacks for the day and require the kids to put their lunchbox in the fridge once they are finished. If they need a snack, they can return to their lunch box. I needed to nib the all-day grazing in the bud to get them back on a schedule.
  7. Reduce distractions as best as you can.
  8. Give them LOADS OF FREE-PLAY. All kids need unstructured time. Let them play, read, get outside. Trust me; they need it. Try to take a family walk midday, even if its a short one. We still have the gift of time together.
  9. Tech toxins: Do your best to be mindful and eliminate tech toxins where you can. Get blue-blocking glasses and turn down the brightness on your students' screens.
  1. Let go of this need to curate your child's life. Swimming lessons may not be an option; gymnastic studios may not be opened; it is okay to have less. This is beyond frustrating, but the more you can release the need to control, the healthier you will all feel.

Give yourself the grace and space to get through each day one at a time. You've got this, mama!